Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Very Little Hope

We went to our doctor today, excited to see the shunt working and Miss Avery to have a tummy that was not filled with fluids. I'd been having some light cramping the last couple days and I mentioned that when we first got there. We sat down with our ultrasound tech who always gets some measurements before Dr. Solomon comes in to tell us what she see's and talk further with us. Our US tech knows our situation very well, she came to the hospital with Dr. Solomon and did the ultrasound for my procedure when they put her shunt in 5 days ago.

 We sat down and she put the jelly on my tummy and I could see that she was even excited to see Avery. The first thing we saw was a big tummy filled with fluid. Her face sank and she said "The fluid is back." I wanted to scream. She took some measurements and we didn't really talk much. Usually, we're in there a good 45 minutes before the doctor comes in and the US tech will leave and get her but about 10 minutes into the measurements Dr. Solomon came in on her own looking sad too. "It's all back" she said "and the skin around her neck and cheeks are swelling." She took over the ultrasound and the tech left. She said that my cramping could either be contractions or just that she is growing so fast and so am I and that my uterus is cramping because its getting so much bigger so quickly. She said she would put me on the contraction monitor and she wanted to call 3 other doctors and we would decide what to do but there wasn't much else to be done now.

 Avery pulled the shunt out of her tummy and is holding it. Literally on the ultrasound we can see her holding it and playing with it. We don't know when she pulled it out but the fluid is worse than it was before we put the shunt in and when they put the shunt in it completely drained all the fluid so she made it all back and more in 5 days. It's so much that it's starting to push her organs up and her one good kidney is starting to look like it is in trouble from working so hard, meaning it could stop working.

 We got put on the contraction machine and she called and talked with the other doctors (one of which is a family friend of mine) she came back in and told us that basically they all agree another shunt will just put Avery in too much risk to justify putting it back in and she will most likely just pull it out again or it'll get clogged quickly. That leaving her in there with the fluid will put so much stress on her lungs and organs her heart will probably stop and she will most likely be stillborn and not make it to 33 weeks like we needed her to. Taking her out now since she has so many problems could mean she can't get any surgery because she won't make it through and she will just die. Dr. Solomon says she wishes that she had a crystal ball to see an hour before Avery was going to go into distress so we could leave her in as long as possible and then take her out before her heart stops in utero. Also even if she made it to 33 weeks since her only kidney looks to be going bad could be completely dead by then and then she'll have no working kidneys and need to be on dialysis.

 I was monitored for about an hour and was having no contractions so I'm not in preterm labor. It's just cramping from growing so quickly, it's also causing pretty bad back pain but there is nothing to do about it. It's just I'm getting too big too fast.

 I'm so fucking mad (excuse my language.) I just can't believe this. We get this glimmer of hope and then it just gets torn away. I just want her to be okay. I love her so much. This isn't fair, this is not okay. This is not how this is supposed to be. I'm 27 weeks along with a beautiful baby who has a perfect brain and her body just can't keep up with all these problems and there is nothing else I can do.

 I'm going to see an OB from the hospital tomorrow she was in the room for our procedure and we will talk to her about what she thinks. We've all been talking about possibly admitting me into the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy, however long that maybe so they can monitor her heart and then when she starts to show signs of distress we can do an emergency C Section so she is left in utero is long as possible and hopefully can get a live birth out of that. We will decide what we should do tomorrow, I think.  We have to decide if we want to have her now and see if they can do anything knowing they most likely can't but having a live birth and being able to spend time with her alive. Or leave her in there and see if she hangs on to 33 weeks but knowing she probably won't and then most likely end up with a stillbirth. How do you make that decision? Let her try to hang in there long enough so she has a better chance of living but knowing she probably can't make it that long and just letting her die or taking her out early and trying to give her a chance way too soon and knowing she probably won't live because she'll be so small but getting to see her alive? This is not fair and I'm so heartbroken. I can barley breathe I'm so mad at the world. I just want my baby girl to be okay, I just want to be able to do something for her. I would do anything to make sure she could live.


  1. I am praying so hard for you and your sweet Avery! My name is Erin, we only met once briefly at support group. I lost my baby daughter Sarah this past spring. I was admitted to the hospital at 22 weeks when my water broke and I just had to wait to see if we could make it to viability. I don't know exactly what you are going through but I know the heartbreak of having to hope against hope and just having to wait. Please know that so many people are praying for you and your sweet girl! We are all holding you in our hearts.

  2. Please try to keep your faith in God, Olivia! My heart breaks for you! I'm praying for God to give Miss Avery strength and to give you strength! God has a plan and he so very truly loves you and Miss Avery!

  3. Prayers for you and your family. Remember that everything always turns out. May you and your husband find strength in one another and know that your bond cannot be broken no matter the outcome.

  4. I have been praying for little Avery and you and your family for a while now. I will continue. Tonight, I will have a special prayer sent to the Society of the Little Flower which honors St. Therese the Little Flower of Jesus. I pray that whatever you decide it will be the answer you need. May God hold you and your little Avery in His arms and protect you.

  5. Olivia....I am so sorry for your loss. This is messed up! Life can be so difficult at times. When my son died I remember being so angry at the world and it isn't fair. Mom's and dad's should not have to live without their children. You did the right thing as you took action....guilt is such a negative emotion and serves no one...there is no sign that you feel guilt but I know when our son died we took a class and they pointed out that parents often do feel guilty and somehow make it so in their has to make sense that our child died so we make it someone's fault and it is easiest to blame ourselves.
    I am sending you a big HUG. I don't know if it will help you as it is a difference situation but if you would like to read my blog about my son:
    Hugs to you and your family! xoxox
